Welcome Page
We want to extend our thanks to all our residents for making Avonlea a great place to live.
The name Avonlea, (pronounced av-un-lee), is of English origin and means "Field Near The River" and "River Edge." It is also the fictional community located on Prince Edward Island, Canada, in Lucy Maud Montgomery's 1908 novel, Anne of Green Gables.
Avonlea is said to come from Avalon, a legendary island known as the "The Isle of Fruit," where King Arthur's sword Excalibur was forged.
The etymology of the streets in Avonlea are; Avon-lea -river edge, Kapa-lea -pasture edge, Ingle-side -fireside, and Seville -valley. One can derive that Avonlea is a place of rural beauty, refreshment, and innovation.
Welcome - Click Here
Avonlea is (A+)
One of the safest neighborhoods to live in Thurston County.
The Avonlea Community is a quiet, established neighborhood of 144 homes with ample lots, pleasing homes, and enjoyable yards.
The Avonlea HOA is a residential community governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that oversees the aesthetics and harmony of the neighborhood to maintain the highest property values possible.
This website is dedicated to all of our esteemed members and residents. We thank you for visiting.
Avonlea is a family community, developed in several stages from 1994 to 1998 and included the builders; Continental, Donohue, Edwards, Forum, Gemini, Greenbrook, Mansfield, Olson, Novastar & Woodside.
Dwellings are single-family, rambler style, and 2-story, 1100sf - 2200sf. Avonlea was originally part of Lexington or Avonlea I, which became a private non-gated community and Avonlea II remained public.
Homes have natural gas heat and some with natural gas fireplace inserts. HVAC condensers or heat-pump are typically hidden from view. Some homes have sewage step systems and sump pumps if below grade. Cable providers provide internet and TV access.
No visible aerial antenna is allowed except satellite dishes of which placement must comply with the HOA per FCC requirements. Homes are separated by a commonly owned border fence and maintained by adjacent homeowners and in some cases, the HOA and other neighborhoods.
There are locking mailboxes for security, a children's play tot-lot at the southeast corner, and a 5-acre city park at the northwest corner of the neighborhood with a community gazebo, basketball courts, and open field.
The 5-acre Avonlea Park at the northwest corner of our development was initially part of and maintained by the Avonlea HOA as there were no other developments nearby except for Avonlea I Lexington.
Due to liability and maintenance costs, the City of Lacey agreed to have it deeded over to them and added a gazebo, picnic area, and playground equipment. It is now used by surrounding developments for everyone's enjoyment.

The Lacey Fire District 3 ferries Santa though our Lacey neighborhoods every year. This is a great time for kids of all ages to come out and enjoy a little bit of joy. Santa is usually escorted by Lacey PD and announced with honking and loud siren.
T'was the time before Christmas, and all through the town,
People were wondering, when Santa'd be around,
Then came a response, from Fire District Three,
On the brink of Christmas, he will arrive in Avonlea.
People were wondering, when Santa'd be around,
Then came a response, from Fire District Three,
On the brink of Christmas, he will arrive in Avonlea.

All homeowners are bound by deed to comply with all governing documents to maintain the aesthetic beauty, uniformity, and property values of Avonlea.
Residents are encouraged to properly maintain their property. An HOA Aesthetics Checklist is provided for convenience.
Lot changes require a Property Modification Form provided to the HOA Board or ACC and conformity to all ordinances and CC&Rs. Remedy for non-compliance may result in a warning, fine, or property lien.
The owner may retain any expense to correct the matter. Fence replacement is shared between adjoining neighbors.
Please inform the Board or ACC & follow local ordinances: City of Lacey Building Codes and Washington Administrative Code.
Thank you.
Maintenance Form:
Burghausen Typical Lot-
Property Modification Form (allow 30-day response)
(Members Only)
(Downloadable PDF)
EXCEPT for charcoal, propane, or natural gas BARBEQUE.
- Avonlea is within the City of Lacey in Lacey Fire District 3.
- Avonlea is NOT in an Urban Growth Area (UGA).
- Zoning is Low Density, with 3-6 Units Per Acre of single-family residences (LD 3-6).
- FIRE PITS of any kind have been BANNED for over 10 years.
- Vegetation or refuge burning is never allowed.
- Permits are allowed for UGAs.
There are 2 retention ponds at the southwest corner of the development. The ponds attract wildlife such as birds, ducks, and geese. Although nice to look at, they are still a utility and one must be cautious around them.
The ponds absorb and transfer stormwater from street drains and Lexington's Ponds through a connector under 45th if a significant event occurs. Stonegate's ponds if overflow, drain into the water system on 45th, 80ft from College, then to Rainier Park.
Avonlea's stormwater enters the wet pond and overflows into the dry pond, which then is absorbed or overflows to a ditch along the Chehalis Trail to Chamber's Lake.
Street drains if in front of your home, must remain clear of leaves, debris, and contaminants for a well-functioning and healthy environment. The EPA has assessed severe fines for non-compliance.
- City of Lacey Stormwater Contact 360-412-2895
- Report Oil or Other Pollutant Spills, Call (360) 491-5644, Email
- More Info On Pollutants Into Street Drains
- Thurston County Stormwater Courses
The City of Lacey is an enjoyable place to live and the population is growing. All government ordinances and codes must be complied with involving any construction, installation, or alteration of any structures, out-buildings (sheds), fences, and removal of debris. This includes HOA permission for the same.
There is currently a city-wide beautification project and mandate for the preservation of trees, shrubs, and plants.
2. City Permit is required before the removal of any tree on the property.
3. A call to 800-424-5555 (or 811)
or form at Washington State "Call Before You Dig."
Contractors can visit this website.
For more info visit this website.
Dues for 2025 are $209.00.
Annual dues are due January 1st of every year. The Board can increase it 5% yearly. Members need to vote for more.
The late fee is 10% after 30 days and a lien may be applied.
Dues covers administrative costs, utilities, equipment, and landscaping maintenance of Common Areas including entrance street, children’s playground tot-lot, and wet & dry ponds.
For more details on expenses see: Where Does My Money Go
Please pay through the website portal, once invoice is added.
If sending by mail, we need the Member name, address and lot#.
Payable to: Avonlea Homeowners' Association
PO Box 3088 Lacey, WA 98509
All homeowners, renters, and residents are bound by deed to comply with several documents to maintain the beauty, uniformity, and property values of Avonlea. These documents are available on the website and physical copies can be sent for a minimal fee.
These governing documents consist of:
- CC&R's (Covenants Conditions & Restrictions, Govern Members)
- Bylaws (Govern Board of Directors)
- Articles of Incorporation
- Barghausen Typical Lot Landscaping Plan
- Architectural Control Aesthetics Checklist
- Revised Code of Washington RCW 64:38 (for HOA’s)
- Rules & Regulations have been rescinded by Member Ballots
The Avonlea HOA is a corporation with Directors and Officers. Board of Directors are annually elected positions by Member votes and other Officers are appointed by the Board. All positions are volunteer without compensation.
The Board only addresses Association operations & Officer duties (Bylaws), Member obligations (CC&Rs), Finances (Dues, Income & Expenses), and Custodial responsibility of Records.
There are 4 Directors, Officers & Committees. Directors are President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer. ACC Facilities Manager is an appointed position with voting rights.
Only the President & VP need to be Members (homeowners) but not of the same household. The Secretary and Treasurer can be a combined office with a single vote. Other non-voting officers and committees can be appointed to address other needs.
Volunteers are always appreciated !!!
Board meetings are held monthly in various Director’s residences or meeting rooms such as at the:
City of Lacey Maintenance Center
420 College St SE Lacey WA 98503
The HOA is conducting business virtually and through email.
The Board may be broadcasting interactive meetings via virtual platforms soon.
Members are informed of proceedings on the website and meeting minutes.
(Members Only) HOA DOCUMENTS
City of Lacey HOA Updates
Avonlea Homeowners Association
Mail: PO Box 3088 Lacey, WA 98509
No personal phone numbers are published
Avonlea is NOT currently under a Property Management Company due to the generosity of current volunteers. Our residents must volunteer their time to avoid increasing dues to cover these expenses. Due to a lack of participation, the HOA may be hiring a management company again.
Please contact the Board to volunteer.
Your service is appreciated.
Avonlea HOA does not by any of its content offer medical, health, legal, or any professional advice, but posts information on this website for reference and expects visitors to research and confirm the information or consult with an expert in their respective field.